Saturday, May 29, 2010

Twilight by Sara Meyer

The May discussion groups found much fodder in Meyer's runaway Young Adult hit featuring vampire heart-throb Edward Cullen and his awkward object of desire Bella Swan. From dissecting the author's claim of inspiration by Pride and Prejudice to examining dismissive backlash against "Twi-hards" and their defense by feminists, discussion was lively and much remained to be said. We touched on such subjects as the increase in popularity of gothic fiction such as Wuthering Heights among young readers, and the possible impact of social networking on their desire for escapist fiction. We'd like to invite group members and other interested readers to weigh in with their thoughts here on the library blog. Also, Twilight is now available as one of our "Traveling Tales" selections.

In our discussion group, we approached Twilight on two levels: as a book and as a cultural phenomenon. Readers, what say you?

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